
About the Author

Rosemary Esehagu was born and raised in Lagos, Nigeria. She immigrated to Bronx, New York City, at age sixteen, where she finished high school at Jane Addams Vocational High School and was a member of the National Honor Society. She earned her Bachelor of Arts at the prestigious Williams College in Williamstown, Massachusetts, with a major in psychology and a concentration in neuroscience. She then went on to earn her Doctor of Medicine degree. She is a practicing physician under her married name.

While she has always valued storytelling, she used to think practicing medicine was the best way to help people. As she has come into herself, embracing her past and all the facets of her, she is passionate about rekindling her love of storytelling, of inspiring the mind, because the mind is the source of who we are and how we are. Writing allows her to reach the mind, to heal the heart, and to put a balm on the soul.

Her topics of interests are intersections of identity, gender, society, trauma, and healing. She does not fit neatly into a box, hence her moniker for herself, paradoxical chameleon. She is a devout Christian, a feminist, an intersex advocate, a mental health advocate, a survivor, and an amateur dancer, among  other things.

She is an introvert, but she’ll happily engage on social media platforms.

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The Looming Fog

Published by Oge Creations Book, New York, 2006

The Looming Fog is Rosemary Esehagu's debut novel skillfully depicting the story of an abandoned child whose life-long difficulties are the cause for a deeply horrific isolation and loneliness. Following the child though the horrors of being [intersex], The Looming Fog gradually eases into the inspiring telling of a life in which solitude is accompanied by others searching to break free of the societal expectations and assigned roles. The Looming Fog is very strongly recommended reading for all who have ever been different from others around, and those who appreciate an intimate story with a remarkable outcome suffused with the bittersweet truths of dreamers everywhere.

Midwest Book Review

Rosemary Esehagu has written a novel that expresses a psychologically and socially profound understanding of human existence.

Linda Raphael Co-editor of When Night Fell: An Anthology of Holocaust Short Stories.

A very different kind of story. One that raises interesting questions and provides a insight to Nigerian traditional culture.

Alan Caruba Editor of Bookviews

The [intersex child] slowly unravels the complexities of what it means to be a woman or a man … absolutely fascinating.

Tami Brady TCM Reviews

A powerful story … A tragic portrayal of how those who comfortably belong are blinded to all the unknowns among them.

Suzanne J. Kessler Author of Lessons from the Intersexed

A well-written and interesting novel!
